
We had a lovely Giving-thanks day here at home. Grammy and Grandpa Norm came down and joined in the feasting.
The table, ready for us
prepping the appetizers
And we had quite a spread this year for just 8 people to eat. Appetizers: carrots, celery and by request, deviled eggs; On the main menu: Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, turnips, corn, stuffing, jello, rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, and dessert - apple crisp and pumpkin pie with ice cream.
We are so blessed beyond anything we deserve; we have so much and so often we take it for granted. We have a loving family, relatively healthy bodies, a roof over our head, a stable job, plenty of food and always enough to pay the bills in a timely manner.
Thank you God for all of this and so much more!

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