baby K

9 months old and already trying out flashcards. She's a genius, I'm sure of it.
(And they probably taste pretty good too.)

This is actually a typical site in our home. Baby K is into everything. EVE-RY-THING. And it all goes into her mouth.
I measured her length yesterday and came up with 28.5 inches. We'll go in next week for the check-up and 'official' measurements.
At this stage in life, Baby is exploring the house. She is learning to open cupboard doors; she stands alone for about a second before lowering herself to sitting; she lets us know when she is Not Happy with a high pitched shriek. This is actually something she has been doing for months. (Back when she screamed at me). She is already trying to assert Her Way over My Way. There have been a few little battles over not being able to do what she wants, mainly because it was unsafe or destructive.
We're starting to feed more solids -- she had her first pbj sandwich yesterday and really liked it. And banana pieces - oh yum to her.
And she is (still) not sleeping through the night. We'll get there. Some day. But that high pitched shriek at night .... ~sigh~
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  1. Well she looks just perfect from my spot here in East Salem! You are so blessed with all your children, which may be hard to remember at 2:30 a.m.... Still, enjoy having everyone under your roof each night while you can. And with that high pitched scream, you know EXACTLY where K is at!


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