
It's that time of year when many people come up with resolutions. Last year I took an idea from another blogger and made up my "What If" list.
Let's look at it again, my What If list for 2010:
What if... I made G's lunch every day? Tried it, but it didn't last; sleepless nights and early rising husband don't work together too often.
... I stopped using a credit card? That has been a great thing!
... went to bed by 10 pm? Hahahhahahahha
... read my Bible every morning? I tried. I made it through most, well half of the year. Again .. that new baby ....
... made sure I walked 3 times a week? Yep, until it started to get really really cold.
... spoke gently to my girls?Still working on it. I feel I have made progress, but still there is always more to do.
And we'll compare it with my What If list for 2011:
What if ... I read through the Bible in a year? ((I'll try again))
... I ran at least twice, if not three times, a week? (( see next item))
... I trained for a 5k and a 10k race this year? ((we'll leave marathons for next year))
... I ate less cookies and more fruit? ((goes hand in hand with the above two))
... I was more consistent in my life - disciplining the kids, keeping up with grading the schoolwork? Consistency, that's the word for me this year I think.

So, there it is. We'll check back in a few months to see how I'm doing. What about you?


  1. What a good idea. What if I made a "what if" list?" hmmmmmmm

  2. I like this approach, Jules. No concrete goals, just "lofty ideas". :) I might just be on board for this too...


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