
I saw sunshine on the walls yesterday!! Really! Here in Oregon, on a day in January -- that is a rare occurrence.

Looking up from the couch to the ceiling this is what I saw overhead (skylight).
And outside one of the windows - no rain!
It was a nice change of pace, if even for a little time.
It gave me the little boost I needed.
Today I went into the garage and cleaned out some more packed boxes. Packed back last year when we thought we would be moving, and in a new home by now. All my old bookshelves were cleaned off and in the process of moving them out, they were broken; so now all the books are in boxes. And for a family that loves to read, this is getting to be a hassle. I am looking for new shelves, and G mentioned he would like to build some for me.
Of course there is this other project going on in the garage. G is building something else. Top secret. Not a national security kind of top secret, but rather an Awana Grand Prix kind of secret. So maybe when that is done, I'll bug him about the shelves.
For now I will just enjoy my (picture of) sunshine.
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  1. yes, it was a lovely sight. at recess it felt so good on our faces. and there was no wind. but it is gone today :(


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