
I took some time this weekend, while the sun was shining, to work in the garage. This led to an "Aha!" moment. I decided to set up a table and my sewing machine in the corner of our front room where we had had our Christmas tree this year! Now I can sew while the baby is awake, and she can't get into my stuff. I am also hoping to get some of our photo albums taken care of! I am behind about 2 years. Oh, and the baby albums - they all need work!
I also have a couple of other projects on my mind. For awhile now I have been wanting to put together a photo directory of the extended family for my kids to use. Sometimes we mention Aunt Somebody, and the kids aren't always sure which aunt we are taking about. With such a large extended family, I thought this kind of thing would help us keep track. I plan to also add in things like favorite color, favorite cookie, favorite ice cream, etc. and then this should help at Christmas time when we are coming up with ideas for cousins' gifts.
Another project in the works is a second compilation of How We Met stories. A few years back (actually more like 8 or 9!) I put together stories from family and friends about how they met their spouses. Often in the course of a dinner conversation with friends either G or myself will ask this question - I mean who doesn't like to tell "their" story? And we love to hear them. So I had people write in with their tales of engagement and weddings. I only wish I had gotten my grandmother's story. Maybe my mom or aunts know it ... Anyway, some more weddings have taken place since my "first edition" and I think it is time to do another round.
So I'm getting a little more sleep at night; I'm getting back into a running routine - which gives me time to think; and combined, my mind is whirring with possibilities for projects. I still want to learn to crochet or knit, so yeah, that's on the table too. We'll see what I can fit in between schooling, cleaning, baby, and all that goes with these.


  1. I really like the idea of getting "How We Met" stories and putting a little album together. How special that would be for family members! Kinda of like a family yearbook. :)

    Gees, if I was closer, I would totally help you with the yarn crafting! Please, please contact me if you have any questions or need help getting started or some great resources to check out. I know lots!


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