Spotlight 3

Inspiration. Workday trials. Real life issues. Crafts. These are just a few of the things I read about on Bluu Hippo - one of the logs I read daily. What do I love about this blog? Well, the author, JLI (who in my mind is Jil, but that's not even her name!) inspires me with her insights from her Bible reading or her pastor's sermons. She writes about her work life, which I live vicariously through, because in a weird way I miss working with other adults outside of my own house. She and her husband are part of a ministry to the homeless in their city, and it has challenged me to look differently at the homeless I see on our the bridge and down in the park. JLI/ Jil is also a knitter/crocheter and photographer, so I enjoy seeing her creations ... since I have none of my own at this point in time.
If you have a moment, click on over to her blog and wander around.


  1. Wow. *humbled* Thanks so much for "featuring" my blog! My corner of the world is so tiny and infrequently visited, I think of it more as a close gathering of a few good friends, but I am also of the mindset of the more the merrier. :) I am really honored! Thank you!!

  2. Oh, and can I add that I am so sorry you're living vicariously through my work life, because honestly, I would think the things I have to say would keep you from EVER joining the workforce outside the home again! :)

  3. How fun! I popped on over to read what you said about one of my bestest buddies in the world. She is truly amazing... and everyone should absolutely pop over for a daily dose of some good honest Bible study from someone who is working everyday to get just a little better with her faith walk.

  4. I read "JLI" too, kind of voyeuristic into lives of people "I wish I knew".


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