First Game

Upward Basketball season has begun! The first game(s) played tonight. The boy had a great game too. Although their team lost (30-18) the top scorer lives in our house! And the steals he got! Time after time he got an "interception" (yeah I am still in football mode). It all made for a very exciting time when he was on the court. And did I bring a camera to share photos? Oh, no. My purse had snacks and a comb and stuffed animals, and a clean diaper, to take of care of the girls' side of things. But no camera. I know, what kind of blogging mom am I?
And in that vein, we took a field trip on Thursday along with another homeschooling family. We went to an Arctic museum. It was cold inside, but actually it was about the Arctic peoples. And did I bring the camera? Oh, no. Thankfully my friend did. I'm waiting for her to email the pictures and then I can share them with you all. Until then you can just imagine my boy with his head stuck inside a bear's mouth.


  1. next time you upgrade your cell phone, get one with a camera. Most pictures I put on my blog come from cell phone (or pirated from Whitney's facebook page) lol.

  2. Ha! Funny you should say that - my new phone has a camera - i just haven't figured out how to send it to my computer!


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