A Snow Day

It snowed in our area today. Can you tell?

Perhaps after playing outside, the girls began to dream of warmer weather. perhaps that's why they decided to play dress-up and go to Hawaii.
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  1. I wanna come play at YOUR house! Hawaii sounds divine right about now! After a minor snow yesterday, we've now been greeted with temps in the teens and wind chills in the negatives! Brr!

    I know this morning was especially cold, because I put Bella's sweater on and then let her outside. She pottied in record time and for the four seconds she had to stand outside, she was flat out WHIMPERING. That never, ever happens! I had to bury her under a blanket on my lap for about 10 minutes before she'd stop shivering! Granted, she is a mix of two notoriously warm-weather breeds - chihuahua and dachshund, which probably explains the difficulty in trying to potty train her!


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