How to Get a Clean House

How to get a clean house. A tutorial.
First ask your spouse if he has plans for Friday night.
Next, happily say Yes! to a friend's invitation to have your son spend the night on Friday.
Third, enlist the help of your minions happy children to clean the house -- after going grocery shopping and in between schoolwork on top of the regular chores -- on Friday.
Step 4, leave the house in the afternoon and come back 2 hours before dinner, minus one happy child.
Then, scare the living daylights out of the children if they so much as move a single couch pillow. I mean, enlist the help of your daughters to keep the house looking sparkling as you prepare dinner.
Step 82, throw the Costco lasagna into the oven. Pour the ingredients into the bread maker. Stir together a dessert. Shred the lettuce and chop the veggies. Throw all the dirty dishes into a sudsy sink. All the while smiling at the pleasant daughters who are staying out of the way in the other room playing nicely together.
Finally, smile at the spouse's coworkers whom you invited over for dinner after finding out that the spouse had no plans made (see step 1.)
Eat. Play games. Put the children to bed. Say goodbye to the guests. Aide your spouse in washing up the dinner dishes. Fall into bed. Wake up to a clean house the next day.
Smile for a few hours until the chaos reigns again.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love your edited remarks! I have found that the real way to have a clean house is to invite people over. Then the work gets done!


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