New Year's traditions

"What are you doing New Year's Eve?"
That's a line from a famous (?) song. Know it?
In the past our NY eves has included pouring concrete. There were more than a few years in our earlier married life that my husband would be outside pouring concrete and I was inside cooking something, hoping to celebrate somehow.
We started our family rather quickly after getting married, so a NY eve without children/ babies has been rare. We had a couple of in-between years when I had a niece babysit while G. and I went to a friend's house for games. Last year we made it to our Sunday school game night/ celebration with the whole family. This year saw us at home with friends and family playing games and eating. More eating. I am actually tired of holiday goodies. I was relieved to see the oatmeal and toast this morning, and pbj sandwiches for lunch! We're having homemade split pea soup (see recipe page) for dinner tonight with bread from my bread maker.
But traditionally our holidays always include games. Lots of games. We played a new one this year called Things; you have to answer questions and guess who put which answer in. Our new game the previous year was Wizard - a fun card game; the year before that we learned "Phrases", which is a mix of Pictionary and Telephone. We're always up for games, new or old.
Other traditions - we seem to have more years of being sick/ having bad colds on NY eve than of being healthy. This year was no exception. Coughs and sniffles abound in half the family.
But any which way you celebrate it, I'm still looking forward to this brand new year and to whatever changes it holds for us.


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